New By-Laws, Onward and upward. 

The By-Laws have been approved and accepted with a near unanimous vote. 
We had 80% of our total membership turnout. The total vote to approve the by-laws was 75-1. 
The new By-Laws are under “Must Reads” menu – Berks County Republican Committee By-Laws.
* Thanks to Annette Baker for all the work she put into this and for a great presentation.
* Thanks to all the members who offered feedback for changes.
* Unity is strength, where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Fighting each other, affords our political opponents an opening for victory. 
Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is to dwell together in unity!”
Other achievements for our organization:
We had the best turnout for a Summer Picnic in over 20 years with 102 in attendance.
We had the best turnout for a Fall Dinner in over 12 years with 150 in attendance
We have the Berks GOP Face Book page increase in followers by almost 600% in 150 days.
We now have a twitter page and Instagram page set up. 
We are on the Radio at AM1180WFYL with our Chariman Clay Breece’s weekly show THE POINT. We are podcasting this and posting on our website. 
We are setting up a Youtube channel for a 3 minute commentary from our Committee Members, Office Holders, and Candidates running for office. 
* Our Website has improved for voters. a) We now can obtain official meeting proxy’s from the website, b) register voters, c) request absentee ballots, d) We are now linked to Berks Election Services, e) we have the voting precincts listed.
Our Website has improved for our Republican Candidates running for office. a) we can now link candidate campaign websites and b) candidate social media links, c) we have an effective events calendar for Berks GOP events and now give an opportunity for campaigns to align their campaigns with the Committee.
We have grown in total membership by 50% since 06-30-18.
* We have our Lincoln Club/Chairman’s Club
Going Forward in 2019:
* We will continue to focus on growing our membership.
* We will communicate between the members and between the members and candidates.
* We will promote frequent candidate events scheduled and aligned with the BCRC. Effective team work results in wider margins of victory for our candidates.
* We will continue to improve and integrate our primary functions within the BCRC and align them with our candidates and office holders.
* We will better align with our outside organizations affiliated with the BCRC: Berks Republican Women, Young Republicans, and Berks Patriots. This includes but is not limited to, listing our events on the website. Better alignment reduces wasted effort and ensures high energy, excitement and great participation at candidate sponsored and BCRC sponsored events.

My sincere thanks for all your efforts to increase our margins of victory this November. For all you do every day to help Republicans win!

May we never find ourselves in defeat having not given our best! The energy, faith and devotion that we bring to this election year will bring us victory in November!

Susan Bernhardt
Chairman Berks Republican Committee